Sunday, September 30, 2007

ManTech Blog 5 - Pricing, Selling and Buying

How does one company occupy a major portion of the market? For me, here are some pointers to consider:
1.) The product must REALLY work
2.) It must be well known
3.) Ill get to that.

For so some cases, #2 is really the one they put their concentration to. For example, the products Liver Aide, Pau and other herbs.. They let Wowowee advertise them and declare they have no therapeutical claim. So we really don't know if their products really work, they only have advertisement of opinions of people who claims that it works.

Another example is the CLEAR Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. When it was introduced, Gard, Head & Shoulders and others were already occupying a major portion of the Anti-Dandruff market. How did they manage to get at least a little portion and manage to slowly climb to compete? BY using advertisements. Clear has so many advertisements in the tv, and radio. There was a time in "Pilipinas, Game KNB?" where the show had 2 or 3 Saturdays just for Clear.

It seems that the primary concentration on penetrating the market is thru advertisements. Even open source programs gain more revenue by using ads. So that's one way of determining the price of a product but for me, a product should not rely on advertisements alone but making their product work better than others to gain a huge portion on the market. Its not very pleasant for consumers to repeatedly hear a product over and over again. It's a different kind of advertisement when you hear a product really work thru "word of mouth" though.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

High Prices and High Quality

Our discussions last meeting for ManTech is about pricing of materials. Nowadays, people usually go for high prices because they believe that high cost of materials means that it's of very good quality. Maybe, that common belief is established because of the immitations sold in various places like greenhills and other "tiangges".

When you go to places like "tiangges", you can see a big difference in the prices of the "original" from the "immitation". I know somebody who bought a perfume, and it costed him only P800 compared from the P3500 original perfume. When he used it, the scent of the perfume only lasted about 15-20 minutes. Maybe, they just poured 1/8 original perfume and filled the rest with water.

There was another incident involving with shoes. A friend of mine bought Fake Nike shoes. He was checking how long it will last. After 3 days, the "check" seal on the Nike shoes fell off. It turned out that the "check seal" was only glued to the shoes. High Prices of products doesn't always mean that its of high quality.

Sometimes, it depends on the products sold itself and its use for us. Example, when you have a laptop and you want to download something in the internet via Wi-Fi in a coffee shop like Starbucks because its transfer rate is really fast but it costs P100/ hour. Why not just rent in a computer shop that costs P20/hour and bring a Flash Disk and store that application in your laptop.

Another example is choosing the right music media device for you, and your options are either buying an ordinary mp3 player which has a capacity of 1gb and costs Php1,800 or an Apple iPod™ which has a capacity of 20gb and has a price tag of Php15,000. Apple iPod™ says that they can store more than a thousand songs. But can somebody really listen to all those songs? They say that you can store data in an Apple iPod™ but there is such a device like an external hard drive which can store 60gb of memory and only costs Php3000.

Apple iPod™ is a very expensive device compared to an ordinary mp3 player. Apple dictates its price to be expensive but its not that durable and its quality is for those who want to experience luxury when it comes to listening music. Companies often dictate high prices to create an image for their product that they are superior than others. It's up to us to use our judgement for purchasing products according to our preferences and needs.

ManTech Blog 4 for September 24

Sunday, September 23, 2007

ManTech Blog 3 - Advancements in Technology

Not so long time ago, Computers and its components cannot be afforded by many people. Separate Components such as processors is very costly and can only be seen on businesses. Thanks to IBM and its supporters, slowly, computers are slowly becoming a common household item. Few advancements, such as windows are invented. Useful softwares are developed and computer games are born. Computer Entertainment is now becoming popular and is attracting many people and Businesses are investing on it.

Advancements in Technology lead to prices of old merchandise going down. For example, back then, a USB Flash Disk that is 128mb costs Php1,500 but now, its only Php300~Php500. The same goes for processors, hard drives etc. Basically, as time passes and new technology is developed, its price is most likely to go down.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Technology, for me, its how one utilizes a tool to solve one's task with ease and convenience. Technology aims to make our life easy, and our works done faster. We discussed in class evolutions and phasing out of some technology.

A classic example is the evolution of cellphones. In the old days, cellphones are as big as a bar of detergent soaps! Today, its sizes are reduced to fit in one's pocket. Not only that, the features are incomparable compared to the old days. Nowadays, cellphones can do more than call but it can send SMS (text messages), MMS (Send multimedia files), access WAP, television, 3G capable, and so much more. Unfortunately, for some technology like the pocketbell, it was phased out. The pocketbell is a device use to send messages by contacting someone on a telephone and then forwards the message to the owner of the pocketbell.

People find it difficult and inconvenient to use the pocketbell and so they adapted the use of sms that's why the pocketbell was phased out. For me, sometimes, advancements or upgrades is not very advisable to adapt to immediately. Example is the upgrade of Windows Xp™ to Windows Vista™.Back then, Windows Xp™ kept upgrading but is released as a "beta". So why would we, the customers buy something that is a "beta". Anyway, Windows™ solved that by releasing "updates" such as the Service Pack 1™(SP 1) and Service Pack 2™(SP 2). Another example is the cellphones with the 3G technology. It's an impressive technology but do we really need it? From what I heard, it can connect your computer to the internet via 3G capable phones and it costs Php30/hour but I'm not sure of how fast is the connection rate.

3G cellphones are very costly and I'm not paying Php30/hour just to surf the net and so I dont need 3G Phones. I can just rent in a computer shop which has a dsl connection and has rates of Php10.00 - Php20.00 per hour. I know of some people who are rich and can easily afford 3G Phones but they prefer the old Nokia Phone Models like the 1100 who has a built in flash light. Technology nowadays are being developed and are rapidly evolving. You buy a new gadget and maybe the next month or so, your "new" gadget is no longer new. New Technologies come and go, it's up to us how we handle new technology and upgrades to suit our personal needs and make our lives better.

Management of Technology

Management of Technology, my first impression is how one
manages technology. For example, when do people switch to one
technology to the other. Some of my classmates cited new
technology that is not often advisable to adapt to because of
some issues like practicality. My example to that is the media
used in viewing movies. Not so long time ago, we use betamax,
then it evolved to vhs then laser discs, vcd's, and finally

Now, Sony introduced a new addition to the formats -- Blu
Ray. "Blu-ray Disc (also called BD) is a high-density optical
disc format for the storage of digital media, including
high-definition video".

Media type: High-density optical disc Encoding: MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AVC (H.264), and VC-1 Capacity: 25 GB (single layer), 50 GB (dual layer) Read mechanism: 1x@36 Mbit/s & 2x@72 Mbit/s Developed by: Blu-ray Disc Association Usage: Data storage, High-definition video and PlayStation 3

For me, its not practical to use Blu Ray discs for storage
of files even though its features are impressive. Its quiite
expensive and it synchronizes with High Definition Devices which
are very costly. When storage of data is concern, Flash
disks are more practical because its compatible with almost all
computers, compact and much more affordable. While in
media formats, dvd9 is still better because its compatible and
more affordable. Maybe when the time comes, we can adapt to Blu
Ray technology when its more practical for us.
