Sunday, September 23, 2007

ManTech Blog 3 - Advancements in Technology

Not so long time ago, Computers and its components cannot be afforded by many people. Separate Components such as processors is very costly and can only be seen on businesses. Thanks to IBM and its supporters, slowly, computers are slowly becoming a common household item. Few advancements, such as windows are invented. Useful softwares are developed and computer games are born. Computer Entertainment is now becoming popular and is attracting many people and Businesses are investing on it.

Advancements in Technology lead to prices of old merchandise going down. For example, back then, a USB Flash Disk that is 128mb costs Php1,500 but now, its only Php300~Php500. The same goes for processors, hard drives etc. Basically, as time passes and new technology is developed, its price is most likely to go down.

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